Speakers of Spanish as a second language frequently choose to certify their level for a variety of reasons. There are numerous approaches to this. It could be through a school or university course, or by completing a Spanish proficiency exam.  

Aside from strengthening your CV, if you wish to move abroad to live and work in a Spanish-speaking nation, you will very certainly be asked for a Spanish language certificate. This demonstrates to any prospective employer that you have the necessary language abilities to carry out the obligations of your work.

A language certificate will show that you understand the grammar and may even state that you have a certain level of fluency.  

Along with Portuguese, French, and Italian, Spanish is one of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn. As a result, if you plan to relocate to Spain, Mexico, or Argentina, why not include a competency test in your language learning?

Spanish is a language that is spoken by an estimated 440 million native speakers worldwide, and subsequently you will find that there are a number of proficiency tests that you can do in the Spanish language. The only question is; which one is best for you?

During your language instruction, you will hear a lot about the DELE exam, which is administered by the Spanish government. This has a number of different merits, but it is an exam that focuses on the language and culture of Spain.

If you want to do a proficiency test from Latin America, Argentina's CELU test is your best bet.

What is the CELU Spanish Test?

As we have just mentioned, taking a DELE test is the curriculum that Spanish speakers tend to go for when they want to take a language proficiency test. However, it is not the only option available.

The Certificate of Spanish Language and Use (CELU) is another Spanish proficiency test for any learner of Spanish as a foreign language. It is aimed at anyone who is not a native Spanish speaker, and who wants to use their language skills for work or study. If you are considering a semester abroad in Buenos Aires, this could be the one for you!

It is an exam which is officially acknowledged by both the Argentinian Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If you are learning Spanish and want to take this exam, you will need to 16 or older, which at least three years of high school education under your belt.

Having a conversational level is fine for visiting any one of the 20 different Spanish speaking countries on holiday, but in order to live in one of these countries, you will need to learn Spanish with more vigor. Passing the CELU exam shows this to a potential employer or university.

Reading and writing plays an important part in the CELU exam because candidates will have to deal with texts from a variety of genres. What's more, a number of different radio recordings make up the listening section, and a 15-minute interview with two native speakers comprises the speaking part.

All parts of the exam take place on the same day, and the final certification (intermediate or advanced) will reflect each individual candidate's performance, as well as being signed and sealed by the Argentinian Ministry of Education.

You can take the CELU exam in either June or November, at participating universities in South America and Europe.

A DELE Alternative: Why Take the CELU?

Studying Spanish in a classroom with an instructor can sometimes seem like a pointless task. You study Spanish grammar and develop your knowledge of verb conjugation, but it can sometimes feel like you aren't really progressing, or worse still, that you aren't working towards anything.

The CELU test allows you to better understand your level, confirm that you are progressing in the Spanish language, and point out the areas on which you will have to redouble your efforts to communicate and express yourself more fluidly.

The CELU test represents a strong and marked distinction on your CV. Indeed, the CELU test is one of the most distinguished tests because you often have to go to Argentina to take it if you miss the two dates where the exam takes places elsewhere in the world.

The test is all the more important on a CV because it is completely reliable and given by a Spanish-speaking country. This allows employers to quickly see how good you are actually are at speaking Spanish.

In a company working with a Hispanic entity, this certification will look serious and could seriously up your chances on getting the job!

On the other hand, having a good score on the CELU test will give you professional credibility since you are adding new skills to your bow.

It is worth noting that the CELU is a generic Spanish certificate. If you want to focus on an exam that is more applicable in education or business, then consider taking the SIELE Spanish proficiency test.

What Competences Are Tested?

Don't ever think that all Spanish proficiency tests are the same. If you want to take the DELE, make sure you know what the DELE consists of. If you want to take the CELU, familiarize yourself with what the CELU entails. Don't assume that because the DELE works in a certain way, that the CELU will be exactly the same.

The CELU test measures your abilities on two essential components of the Spanish language: oral and written skills. These are the cornerstones of learning to speak any language, and therefore Spanish courses will aim to help you develop in these areas. You could also hire a Spanish teacher who can give you Spanish lessons to improve these skills.

You will be tested on the following:

  • Your oral comprehension will be tested thanks to sound recordings that will present situations with a generally simple vocabulary. You will be judged on your ability to follow and understand a conversation or dialogue between people. In this part of the test, it will be important to pay attention to variables such as the Spanish words used and the pronunciation. Indeed, the Argentine accent is one to get used to. You could do this by developing your conversational Spanish with a native Spanish speaker from Argentina.
  • Written comprehension is also evaluated. The degree of difficulty is often higher and the vocabulary even more technical, because you are allowed a document to help you. Contrary to what you might think, this part requires as much concentration as the oral part. Time management is also a major concern here. It will also be a question of challenging your Spanish language vocabulary and syntax skills. Knowing synonyms, antonyms, proverbs, and adjectives will allow you to get a high score.

Where Can You Take the CELU?

Going to Argentina means getting a plane ticket and hotel room, so you will have to calculate some extra costs when it comes to taking the CELU test. However, once there, the country is pretty inexpensive. The test itself can be done in many cities including San Luis and Buenos Aires.

You can take the exam twice a year; in June or November, and applications open around three months before each of these dates. You will have one month to sign up from when the application window opens. You can also take the test at cooperating universities in other parts of the world, but you should check the website for more information.

Practicing For Your Spanish Language Test

There are many tests online in order to evaluate your Spanish language level. It is possible to train for the CELU test by using some of these tests. The internet is full of free resources, so don't hesitate to type into Google what you are looking for!

To train for the CELU test, it is possible to take Spanish classes or a Spanish course with different organizations in major towns and cities all over the world. Taking language courses with these organizations can help you to become more fluent, and you could even take an intensive course just before the exam so that you are at peak sharpness for exam day.

If you go down this route, you will have the opportunity to receive Spanish classes from a native or bilingual teacher.

This is a great asset because you will benefit from a real pedagogical approach. You will also have access to a large number of CELU test records to familiarize yourself with the test itself. Mock exams are also available online.

The real positive point of this approach is that it is guaranteed to raise your chances. Indeed, when you register with a linguistic school, you should set out to up your skills in the Spanish language.

If you are most adept with self-training, reading newspapers can be very effective, and so can literature (on whatever topics you choose)

Let's sum things up:

  • In addition to making you progress and improve your Spanish language skills, taking the CELU test is a great asset for your CV, especially if you work or want to work in a Hispanic environment, or if you want work in South America.
  • Before starting the process, we advise you to test your skills to see if the test will bring you something you really need. Indeed, if you are a complete beginner, it may not be so useful.
  • The CELU test is, as we have seen, extremely comprehensive, covering the full spectrum of skills required to master a foreign language.

Study Tips to Ace Your Spanish Proficiency Test

Studying for an exam is a tedious process, especially if it's a language exam. However, it should be a walk in the park with adequate exam preparation. Spanish is a widely spoken language in different parts of the world. People study this language to access some essential opportunities to further their careers.

After learning Spanish, the next step is to take a proficiency test. This test would show your preparation and knowledge of Spanish. To pass this exam, you need to know how to study for a test. Making this possible requires study tips and techniques known to improve performance during exams. Below are some tips you should find useful while taking your proficiency test.

  • Prepare early

The first tip is to prepare early for the examination. Exam preparation is not a day's journey. It would be best to prepare several weeks or months before your examination. To prepare adequately, you can hire an online tutor for better understanding. You should also become familiar with the kinds of questions mostly set for the exam.

  • Study

Studying is an essential process for every exam. If you don’t study for an exam, you might find it challenging to recall things you’ve been taught in class. One of the most important study tips is studying before an exam. Also, it would help if you studied early. Early studying helps you become familiar and more confident in your understanding of the subject matter.

How to Start Your Exam Preparation

Exams are one of the scariest phrases that students face. During tests and exams, some students become anxious and might even fall. Thankfully, you don't have to be scared when you have the best tips for studying. Additionally, these study tips would improve your confidence, enabling you to perform better in your exams.

While everyone has different ways they prepare for exams; the most important thing is that they study. Without studying, you are not preparing adequately for your proficiency test. Here are some essential tips you need to prepare adequately:

Set goals

The first thing you should do is to set realistic goals. If you have an area you want to read about, you should create a goal. This helps you understand crucial areas, which are fundamental to better understanding. Setting goals is one of the most important study tips if you look to ace your examination. In each study session, ensure you have a certain goal you need to meet. This structures and organizes your study.

Find resources, textbooks, or exam help

Good resources are crucial for a better understanding of the Spanish language. Numerous resources on the internet would accelerate your goals. When you peruse these resources regularly, your knowledge becomes more profound.  

Create your notes

Creating your own note is especially helpful for students who find it challenging to read directly from textbooks. Each student has specific needs, which is why you should incorporate study tips that work for you. Creating your note is a good approach if you are a visual learner. However, if you are an auditory learner, you may benefit more from listening in class.

How to Study for a Test

At different points in life, students face different tests and exams. Since you are preparing for your Spanish proficiency exam, you need tips on studying. These tips would make learning more accessible, especially if you have other commitments. Using these guidelines, you can pass your Spanish test excellently.

The major thing that causes failure is a lack of adequate preparation. If you don't prepare well for an exam, you may not score good marks. This makes it necessary to study early. The earlier you start studying, the more you can cover up vital parts of the syllabus.

In addition, you need to practice questions. When you become familiar with the style, acing the exam becomes easier. All exams have different aspects they test students on. You need to find these vital points to use them to your advantage. Using them will build your foundation as a language learner.

Dec 5, 2022

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