SIELE Exam Preparation

If you are already aware of the SIELE certificate benefits and are considering taking this official Spanish exam, you should not miss our post in which we give some advice for preparing for the SIELE exam and performing well on it. Continue reading!


Understand the Exam Format

Knowing the exam format is critical to knowing what is expected of the candidates, what tests they will have to do, and, most importantly, how long each exercise will take.

To become acquainted with the exam format, you should ideally practice with models from previous calls de SIELE exam. Nowadays, it is easy to locate numerous materials on the Internet; nevertheless, because it is a relatively new exam, it is best to enroll in a SIELE exam preparation course where they explain what each section of the test consists of and offer you with sample exam models.

Use the Spanish "de exam"  

Knowing a language is not only being able to hold informal conversations among friends, but also being able to adapt vocabulary and expressions to the situation in which we find ourselves. This occurs both in our native language and in the language we are learning as a foreign language; and we must take it into account when taking a Spanish exam.

Obviously, this is something that is refined over time, as our level of Spanish improves, but it is important learn the vocabulary of an exam to understand what they ask us in each exercise, as well as some expressions that we can use in the expression and interaction part.

Perhaps these expressions are not so common in everyday life, but they will help us stand out in the exam and get a highest score in the SIELE exam.


Immerse Yourself in Spanish

Although "exam" Spanish is very important, we must not forget that the SIELE exam It is an eminently practical test, which aims to resemble real situations.

In addition, by not starting from a level, it is more complicated when studying it. For this reason, our advice is that, especially during the weeks prior to the SIELE exam, immerse yourself in Spanish: in addition to attending class or doing a SIELE exam preparation course, you can listen to music, watch movies, series, videos of different formats, read blog articles or newspapers and magazines, talking with friends and classmates… All in Spanish, of course!  


Develop Your Technological Competence in Spanish

As you may already know, the SIELE exam is an exam that is taken on a computer and that it does not allow anything to be delivered by hand, since all the exercises are digitized. Therefore, it is very important to have basic digital knowledge. In addition, it is very likely that the center where you take the exam has a computer configured in Spanish as well as the keyboard, so you will have to get used to typing on a Spanish keyboard, with accents and the letter ñ included.  

Dec 4, 2022

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