You should be aware that there are two IELTS General Writing assignments if you're preparing for the IELTS General Training Exam.

  • Task 1: Letter Writing
  • Task 2: Essay Writing

While Task 1 can be either informal, semi-formal, or formal writing, Task 2 in the Writing Module is always formal writing.  

This blog is specifically written for IELTS candidates who are attempting to understand the distinction between a formal and informal letter.

How do formal and informal letters differ?

You must select a writing style for Writing Task 1 based on the type of inquiry asked: professional or informal letter. The instructions request one or more of the following:

When asked to write to a person you know, you must do so in the style of a casual letter. On the other hand, if you are requested to write to a stranger, you must do it in a formal letter.  

Depending on the writing style you select, there are several levels of formality in the English language. For both informal and official writing, there will be differences in the way English is used.

Quick look on Do's & Don'ts of writing Informal and Formal Letters in IELTS General Writing


  • Use Colloquial Words/Expressions
  • Use Contractions
  • Use Abbreviations
  • Write in reference to first/second/third person
  • Use Clichés
  • Use Imperative Voice
  • Use Active Voice
  • Short and Simple Sentences
  • Use Exclamation Mark


  • No Colloquial Words/Expressions
  • No Contractions
  • No Abbreviations
  • Write in reference to third person
  • No Clichés
  • Avoid use of Imperative Voice
  • Use Passive Voice
  • Long and Complex Sentences
  • Avoid use of Exclamation Mark

Let's understand these points with appropriate example.

1. Vocabulary Makes the Real Difference between Formal & Informal English

Words that we use to convey message in our day-to-day conversation are informal while the words used in books, contracts, or business letters are formal. Be careful in using them while writing informal and formal letters.

For example,

Informal: Why don't you pop around my house?

Formal: I would like to invite you to visit my house.

2. One Style of writing that accepts Abbreviations/Contractions and One Not

In Informal Writing, you can use abbreviations as well as contractions. But, you cannot use them in case of Formal Writing.

For example,

Informal: I'm waiting for you.

Formal: I am waiting for you.

Informal: Turn on the TV.

Formal: Kindly turn on the television.

Thus, you must adapt your writing in such a way that it suits the style of the letter.

3. Be Careful with the Emphasizing words

When you want to make something clear or draw attention of the reader, you can use emphasizing words. Again, depending on the style of writing, these words vary.

4. Appropriate Use of Phrasal Verbs is Important

To avoid over-formal language, we make use of phrasal verbs. But what happens when you need to write a formal letter? Though we think of phrasal verbs as means of conveying in an informal way, there are many of them that can be appropriately used for formal writing.

Well, here is an example.

Informal: Researchers did a survey.

Formal: Researchers carried out a survey.

5. Sentence Structure differs based on Formal & Informal Writing

In an Informal Letter Writing, you can write short and simple sentences. Sometimes, you can even make points so that the reader gets a crisp idea. Whereas, in Formal Letter writing, sentences are long and complicated. You need to be as thorough as possible with your response. Each point you write needs to be elaborated.

For example,

Informal: Went to Barcelona for the weekend. Lots to tell you.

Formal: We went to Barcelona for the weekend. We have many things to tell you.

6. Letter Expressions Vary depending on The Style of Writing

Informal letters begin with Dear + Name of the Receiver and ends with Best Wishes/Regards + Your First Name.

Formal letters begin with Dear Sir/Madam and ends with Yours Faithfully + Full Name.


These are some of the common differences that you must take care of while writing an informal or formal letter. Practice writing letters as many as you can before you appear for the actual IELTS Exam.

Nov 30, 2022

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