The most well-known and popular analytics program in the market is Google Analytics. However, becoming accustomed to the platform can still take some time.

Finding the best approach to utilize Google Analytics to its fullest extent might take a lot of effort because there are so many data visualizations and reporting options available. There are several solutions to this:

  1. Hire people who have Google Analytics certifications.
  1. Without certification, try to learn analytics on your own.
  1. Get a team member who is certified.

The fastest and most economical way for the majority to get the most of analytics over the long term is option 3. The ability to better serve your target audience, enhance your marketing, and grow your client base is provided by Google Analytics certification.

The certification procedure and some of the greatest advantages of certification are described in the sections that follow.

The Certification Process

Step 1: Sign up for Google Partners

The first step you need to take is to sign up for Google Partners, because you have to be a Partner in order to take the GAIQ. This in itself can be a career booster, because Google Partners comes with a badge that shows you’re certified in different areas of Google (providing you pass the content exams). Others will see your badge and recognize you as an expert.

Step 2: Take the GAIQ Exam

Technically the next step after signing up for Partners is to take the exam, but unless you’re already an expert in Google Analytics, we recommend doing some studying in between steps 1 and 2. At least take the time to learn about the exam – how it’s broken up, time limits, question formats, etc. (which we’ll explain below).

Thankfully, Google offers IQ courses in order to teach people about their programs and to help prepare them for these certification exams. These courses are targeted at everyone from beginners to the most experienced users, so there’s something for everyone.

It is recommended to review material from the following courses (but you should tailor the study material to your skillset – no need to start at the beginning if you’re already an advanced user):

  • Google Analytics for Beginners.
  • Advanced Google Analytics.
  • Google Analytics for Power Users.
  • Getting Started with Google Analytics 360.

Google has a lot of resources for getting certified, they aren’t great for those who really want to learn the practical, real-world applications. There are different data bootcamps online that cover all the knowledge and best practice tips and tricks you need to master for Google Analytics.

In addition, there’s a Google Analytics YouTube Channel that has great reviews for anyone wanting to learn more about the program. Once you’ve exhausted the content, you should take the time to learn about the test itself.

The GAIQ is broken up into modules, so you take the exam one subject at a time. The website states that you have 60 minutes to take the exam, but you actually have 90 minutes from start to finish.

There are 70 questions total and they consist of multiple choice and True/False. As soon as you begin the exam the timer begins counting down, and you are unable to press pause for any reason, and a passing score is 80 percent or higher. If you fail, you’re required to wait 7 days before taking the exam again.

Once you pass the GAIQ you’ll receive a certificate, which will be reflected in your Google Partners account (that badge we were talking about earlier) and everyone will know you’re an analytic genius.

But Is Google Analytics Certification Worth It?

Getting certified is clearly no walk in the park, so is it really worth it to go to all this trouble?

In short, yes. But not just for the certificate, or the badge, or the extra bullet point on your CV.

Chances are you’ll pick up a lot of useful analytic knowledge in preparation for the test; much more than you would if you just use the program in passing here and there.

You’ll learn in-depth information about specific Google Analytics features that you can then pass on to your employers and colleagues. You’ll be considered a qualified web analyst, which should open job opportunities or ensure job security as this is an in-demand position right now.

The Takeaway

Analytics is the foundation of SEO, social media marketing, search engine marketing, and more. If all this isn’t enough to convince you, just remember that you’ll have the opportunity to share your passion (and your knowledge) of analytics with anyone else who wants to learn.

Feb 14, 2023

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