If you want to take the Linguaskill (BULATS) exam, you should be informed of the findings' validity.  

The Cambridge English Language Assessment, the organization that provides the Linguaskill (BULATS) certification, does not assign a validity date to the score earned. It is assumed that the English level deteriorates at a varied rate depending on the individual examined. Indeed, if you continue to practice English on a daily basis, your level will most likely remain equal to what you earned upon passing the test (or even improve!). However, if you do not routinely exercise after the test, your level will degrade. According to studies, when it comes to foreign languages, level fluctuations can be extremely rapid.

Even if Cambridge English Language Assessment doesn’t set a specific period of validity, you need to remain careful. Indeed, you can still be expected to have passed the test within a certain timeframe. It all depends on your mindset when undergoing the test. Usually, the institution demanding this Linguaskill (BULATS) certification will require a specific validity period. You must justify a score obtained within the past 1, 2 or 3 years for instance.

Therefore, you should obtain information from the institution (firm, college…) requiring you to pass the test. Most of them require a Linguaskill (BULATS) score valid since less than two years. If you want to put your score on your CV, it is also advised to have a score valid within the past two years. Recruiters will be more likely to give weight to this certification if that is the case and having a recent score demonstrates a serious profile. However, don’t give up hope if it’s been a while you’ve passed the test. Firstly, some could well accept your certification, even if it’s been more than two years since you passed the test -especially if you have cumulated experience in an English-speaking setting since the exam. Secondly, your certification process will always be appreciated, even if your level has changed. Finally, if you’ve obtained a good score, saying so during a job interview or displaying it on your CV is always a plus and can make a lasting impression on your interviewer.

Comparing the Linguaskill (BULATS) test to other English exams

Unlike the Linguaskill (BULATS) test, the TOEFL, the TOIEC and the HSK have a set validity period of two years. This period is fixed by the organism delivering the certification (the ETS for the TOIEC for instance), the score being deemed void in any case if it is older than two years. At any rate, similarly to the Linguaskill (BULATS) test, colleges, institutions and firms selecting candidates according to their score will often require that they be recent.

Thus, for all of these tests, it is essential to train well until the day when you’ll have to present an official score. Considering the price of the Linguaskill (BULATS test, it would be a pity to have to do it several times. Therefore, it isn’t recommended to try the test out of mere desire to train.  

No need to worry! There is a large number of Linguaskill (BULATS) sessions you can register for, happening every month in Paris. You can thus choose the date most suited to your academic/ career plans to obtain your score when it is needed!


Dec 1, 2022

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