Have you ever wondered why practically every test has a predetermined time limit?  

It can be scary to administer the test knowing virtually all of the answers but running out of time. What is a likely justification for time restrictions on exams?  

Learning is a constant process, after all. Every stage of life has certain fundamental lessons that you must master in order to advance. You are put through a test to see if you have acquired the working competencies needed to ensure your survival, well-being, and further growth. Time now becomes very important in this situation.

To determine how efficiently certain learned skills are applied by the learner, it is important to set a time limit for a test. It can establish a certain level of proficiency in a person. It is simple; Time is set to measure practical efficiency.

A language test measures the communicative skills of a person. Language is for nothing but conversing effectively. In everyday life, we communicate with people directly or indirectly. Now, for example, imagine practically, it is not possible that you take a long time to answer certain question or for that matter ask any query. It just ruins the communication as understanding the query or answer is delayed.

Take another example, wherein you are supposed to listen to some instructions. Majority of the official instructions are given not more than thrice before taking any adverse action. In such a scenario where you could not interpret the instructions, you are not going to be able to make the right decisions. The gist is that you must be prompt.

In PTE Exam, the ones who are able to answer the questions with agility, score good marks in the exam. Why? They do so because they are more prompt and provide their responses in a stipulated time. That is the importance of time. Having the dagger of time on us, we learn things speedily, we adapt to situations rapidly, and our decisions tend to become quicker with experience.    

Another main reason why the tests are time-bound is to avoid letting them run for impractical lengths of time. It reflects one's organizing abilities. In PTE Test, it demonstrates your capability to organize your thoughts.

PTE Time Management

It is hard to fathom the fact that in PTE Test the clock is ticking! And with every tick and unanswered minute, you come close to the probability of losing marks.

But, look at the brighter side! You can learn to manage the time in the PTE Test, answer effectively and get an outstanding score.

Majority of the questions of the PTE Speaking section are individually time-bound. In the writing section, a task like Essay Writing has 20 minutes for one essay, and Summarize Spoken Text has 10 minutes for a single question's answer. The Reading section is timed overall, with a total time set between 29-30 minutes. For the listening section, you will have 30-43 minutes.

  • Understand that in the speaking section, the timer is running, so you have to speak within that time. Thus, while practicing try to keep a check on the time all the way from the first question to the last.
  • For essay writing and summarize spoken text, you can very well prepare for the questions by practicing thoroughly before the test that too with a timer. Always have a habit of doing PTE practice with a timer.
  • For the reading section, you will need to really manage your time. While practicing you might already know the questions in which you are facing difficulties. Try to practice those questions in the set time and slowly increase your speed. Take care of the questions that have negative markings.
  • In the listening section again, you must pay attention to the audio as it will not be replayed. So, if the answer is gone then there is simply no point in wasting time and stressing over it. Don't let it affect your other question's score

Ultimately it all boils down to practicing with the timer. The Practice Tests at PTE Tutorials are actually designed in almost similar manner to that of the real test. And you can have a test-like experience. PTE Tutorials is a portal that provides complete solution to you to get the high score. There is time-based test analytics that you can analyze after completing a test to discover the areas where you are losing marks because of time. It will imply that those are the questions or skills that you need to polish to get an awesome PTE Score of 70 + or 80+.

Delusions related to Time

A misconception about time is that it induces stress. Not really. In fact, when you have a lot of time on your plate and you are unable to complete certain tasks, it slowly makes you question your abilities and raises self-doubt.

Remember, time management is critical for that dream score on your PTE Score Card. Thus, make a study plan, start practicing with the scored practice test and evaluate your performance to work with focus on the weak areas.

Nov 30, 2022

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