Software development projects are segmented into increments using agile modeling. This aids in quality assurance analysis of the project by the development team at each stage. This can speed up the development process, reduce expenses, and enable more feedback. In this post, we define an agile paradigm, outline its phases, define agile software development, and discuss its benefits and drawbacks.

What is an agile model?

An agile model is a development approach that breaks up the process of writing software into increments. This model helps teams develop software rapidly in increments instead of all at once. Taking the project one piece at a time allows the development team to develop the software more rapidly while maintaining the overall quality of the project. Throughout the production process, every release requires testing by the development team to ensure maximize quality.

What are the phases of agile modeling?

In general, agile modeling follows this formula:

  • Requirements: In this phase, the team determines the requirements for the project, including what the specifications for the end product should be, what it might take to meet those expectations and whether the project is actually feasible for the team both technically and economically.
  • Design: Next, the team designs the process to achieve the end goal. This can mean working closely with the client to determine the specifics and designing the systems and plans the team needs.
  • Development: Development starts once the planning phases end. In this phase, the team uses the systems they designed in the previous phase to begin development and meet the client's requirements.
  • Testing: At predetermined intervals, the team reviews and tests the software to ensure that the team meets its initial requirements. This helps ensure quality and provides updates for both the team and the client.
  • Delivery: The delivery phase is when the team delivers the final product to the client.
  • Feedback: This phase is crucial for the development team, as it provides valuable feedback on the functionality of the software from the user's point of view.

What is agile software development?

The agile method of software development focuses on team collaboration and making the development process more flexible. By increasing adaptiveness and response to change, the agile model creates a more dynamic and efficient development process that works great for both large- and small-scale development projects.

What are the advantages of agile models?

Agile models can offer distinct advantages over other software development methods. These include:

Better testing and troubleshooting

With the agile model, the team separates the project into increments. As each increment concludes, the team performs testing in order to maintain production quality and identify issues early in the process.

More customer satisfaction

By delivering higher-quality software at a quicker rate, agile models can increase the satisfaction that customers feel with the development team. Agile models also offer the opportunity to provide a customer with step-by-step updates during the development process.

Collaboration is the focus

The focus on collaborative efforts between the customer and the development team is a huge advantage for agile models. This level of communication and collaboration can foster better relationships and lead to more functional software. Since people are what drive the production process, this methodology works well at increasing teamwork and trust between team members and the customer.


Adaptation is one of the most important advantages of agile models. During the development process, details and requirements can suddenly change. With an incremental approach, developers can adapt to changes with ease since team members complete the project one piece at a time. This makes the process even more adaptable to changes on behalf of the customer or challenges on the development team's end.

Lower, more predictable costs

The incremental process that agile models follow allows for more predictable costs and can help keep costs lower. Incremental processes allow for better feedback and can help predict potential challenges and cost spikes.

Higher-quality projects

With frequent testing, greater adaptability to change and increased collaborative efforts, projects under agile development tend to bring a higher-quality result. By testing for bugs early on and throughout the development process, teams can focus on creating the best product for final delivery.

What are the disadvantages of agile models?

While agile models do offer several advantages, it's also important to note some disadvantages before adopting the methodology. Here are some examples of agile model disadvantages:

Less documentation

With more of a focus on the process itself and the people involved, agile models tend to have less documentation involved. This can be a disadvantage because with less documentation, it can be more difficult to identify where in the process a problem arose. It's also important to have a detailed record of every development process to both protect the business and its employees and for educational purposes.

No formal design phase makes long-term projects more difficult

With no formal design process, the incremental methodology of agile models can be problematic. This can prevent the team from accurately predicting the cost and time commitment of the project and providing a thorough cost analysis for the customer.

Inexperienced developers can slow down collaborative projects

Agile software development's strength lies in its collaboration, but inexperienced developers can introduce setbacks to the process. More experienced developers have the skills required to make an agile model work, with incremental deliveries in a fast-paced development environment. Inexperienced developers may have trouble keeping up with the fast pace of agile development.

Greater demand on the team

The fast-paced environment that agile development operates in can put greater stress on the development team. With teams pushing multiple projects through the development process as quickly as possible, teams may feel like they're under extra stress to meet strict delivery deadlines. This can potentially cause fatigue on the part of the team, which may influence the quality of future projects in a negative way.

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Nov 10, 2022

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