How challenging is the CAIA test? The exam has a passing rate of somewhat more than 50%, which is a higher average than the CFA Program exam and the FRM exam. However, taking the exam on both levels isn't exactly simple. Only 40% of individuals who sign up for the exam actually pass both levels, and success rates have been dropping since the exam was initially made available. This blog will assist you in better understanding the difficulty of the exam and how to increase your chances of success.

The Format of the CAIA Exam

200 multiple-choice questions make up the Level I CAIA examination. Four hours are allotted for the test. The first two hours consist of 100 questions, followed by a break, and the final two hours consist of 100 more questions.

100 multiple-choice questions comprise approximately 70% of the Level II CAIA exam, which consists of 100 questions in total. Three sets of constructed-response (essay) questions make up the remaining 30% of the test. These inquiries examine how effectively you can apply the information you've learned to actual situations.

CAIA Exam Pass Rate

The pass rate for the Level I September 2021 CAIA exam was 51% and 58% for Level II. The pass rates have been on a steady decline for the past decade. (This pass rate information is courtesy of Wikipedia.) More candidates are taking the exam than previously, which is one reason the pass rate is declining, but the other is that the exam is becoming more challenging.

CAIA Exam Study Tips: How to Increase Your Odds of Success

The CAIA exam requires a significant investment of time to be successful. But most of the time, failing a level of the exam is the result of study mistakes and insufficient prep. These tips will help you develop the knowledge and confidence necessary to pass Level I and Level II of the CAIA exam:

  • Put in the study time: CAIA Association says candidates should study at least 200 hours for each exam, or 400 hours total. Don’t take this suggestion lightly. You have a lot of material to cover. Starting early will help ensure you leave yourself enough time to master it.
  • Don’t rely on cramming: Candidates who do not manage to dedicate enough time to prepare for the exam might be tempted to resort to cramming. Time and time again, it’s been proven that the best last-minute exam prep activities are light review and a good night’s sleep. Cramming is not in the recipe for CAIA exam success.
  • Develop and follow a study plan: A well-thought-out study plan is essential. The study plan should serve as a map for going through the entire curriculum and should incorporate classes, study notes, practice questions, mock exams, and final reviews to reinforce the learning process.
  • Learn how to apply your knowledge to real-life scenarios: Memorizing vocabulary and concepts will not be enough to pass both levels of the CAIA exam. Both test your ability to apply what you know to situations you are likely to encounter when serving clients. So keep that in mind and try to think about how you might use the concepts you’re learning about.
  • Practice, practice, practice: There is no better way to build your confidence ahead of the CAIA exam than by doing practice questions. Practicing what you have learned is essential for retaining and assessing knowledge, as well as being comfortable answering the kinds of questions you’ll encounter on exam day. Practice also helps you truly assess your comprehension of critical concepts and identify and address weaknesses.


Dec 12, 2022
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