An independent, non-governmental, international organization called the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) creates standards to guarantee the effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of goods, services, and systems. People at all levels of the global industry undergoing standardization are creating and implementing new standards as technology continues to advance quickly.


The most recent version of a family of standards, ISO 9000:2015, outlines the basic ideas and guidelines of quality management that apply to all organizations looking to succeed through their management system, supply chain logistics, internal communications, and other areas. One component of this ISO 9000 grouping is the ISO 9001 standard, and certifications can offer manufacturers a variety of advantages.


What Is An ISO 9001 Certification?

ISO 9001 is a singular measure within the body of the ISO 9000 standards. It specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS) when an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer expectations in addition to applicable statutory or regulatory requirements.


This individual standard outlines a specific set of regulations that are laid out within a series of clauses. ISO 9001 improves manufacturing quality management systems by requiring detailed processes and implementing gap analysis and internal audits. All of the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 are generic and applicable to any organization, regardless of its type or size or the products and services it provides—all can benefit from following these standards and principles. An ISO 9001 certification means your manufacturing business has complied with these requirements, which can lead to significant advantages for your organization over non-certified competitors. 


What Are the Benefits of Being ISO 9001 Certified?

While there are numerous advantages to being ISO 9001 certified, here are the five main advantages that an ISO certification can bring to manufacturers:


#1: Boost Employee Performance and Productivity

Engaged employees are motivated to implement processes that are put in place to ensure that problems are quickly identified and resolved in a timely manner. Additionally, the consistent process audits through ISO 9001 can keep your employees focused while providing critical feedback when your processes deviate from consistency.


#2: Define Your Company’s Quality Control Processes

A cornerstone component of ISO 9001 certification is establishing thorough business processes and defining responsibilities for quality control—and equally as important,  relaying those specifications to employees. After all, 85% of employees are most motivated when internal communications are effective! Implementing ISO certification requirements provides valuable key performance metrics, such as on-time delivery, throughput, and overall equipment effectiveness, to accurately reflect your system’s performance. These metrics will help you make more educated decisions to improve growth and profitability throughout your company.


#3: Reduce Waste and Improve Efficiency

Earning the ISO 9001 certification enforces a continuous improvement strategy, so that you’re always, by design, seeking ways to reduce waste and improve efficiency. Utilizing the requirements set forth in ISO 9001 will help to first identify areas of waste and then implement preventative measures to avoid wasteful situations. Streamlining your manufacturing operations from the ground up through ISO 9001 means every moving part is as effective as possible rather than discarded or unused.


#4: Provide an Improved Customer Experience

The ISO 9001 certification process provides an enhanced customer service experience by not only identifying key priorities for customers, but also outlining processes to further optimize these priorities based on customer expectations and needs. Products with enhanced quality translate into reduced customer complaints and more satisfied consumers. The most successful manufacturers of today know that delivering a better product experience is what will keep customers coming back. Producing a product in a way that reduces waste and cuts costs means that you can bring more value to your customer, which further reinforces their loyalty to your business.


#5: Increase Confidence in your Manufacturing Business

An ISO 9001 certification demonstrates to both customers and stakeholders that your manufacturing business has the capabilities of delivering high-quality products that meet all industry regulations and are delivered on time. This is crucial for your business, as your products should reflect the measures taken to create consistency and confidence in a global manufacturing market. An ISO 9001 certification also ensures that your business has all of the necessary tools, resources, and equipment for effectively producing your product or service.

Oct 11, 2022

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