This post will provide a complete explanation of everything you must know in order to succeed on the DELE exam.  

Have you been studying Spanish for a long and want to push yourself a little further? Perhaps you're self-taught or attending a course, but you'd like your efforts to be recognized universally? Or are you preparing to start a new career or apply for a scholarship, and DELE is the last step?  

Then this is the blog for you! We will familiarize you with this worldwide renowned Spanish exam and present you our top advice and suggestions to pass it with flying colors, written by a Spanish teacher of many years and a DELE C2 Master.

What is DELE?

For starters, DELE stands for Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera (Diploma of Spanish as Foreign Language).

DELE is a universally recognized title of Spanish proficiency. Simply put, this means that DELE is accepted at every school, university, workplace, and institution in the world as firm proof of your knowledge of Spanish. If you want to study or work anywhere in the Hispanic world, you will need DELE.

There are six different levels you can take, because DELE exam is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In order to fully understand the weight of the DELE diploma and its numerous benefits, it’s important to know who’s behind it.

So let’s have a look.

Who Comes Up with the DELE Exams?

University of Salamanca

Most people aren’t aware that the DELE exams are made and evaluated at Salamanca University

DELE is the joined work of three major Spanish institutions:

  • University of Salamanca designs the exams and is in charge of corrections and the final evaluation
  • Instituto Cervantes organizes examination sessions
  • Diploma is granted by Spain’s Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport

However, most people taking the DELE exam aren’t aware of where the exams are made and evaluated. This is mostly due to the fact that the only institution they will deal directly is Instituto Cervantes. So let’s see why this institute is so vital for Spain and Spanish language.

Instituto Cervantes − Why Every Spanish Student Knows About it?

If you’re learning Spanish, you’ve probably heard at some point of the Instituto Cervantes. Its mission is to spread the love and knowledge of the Spanish language and Hispanic world.

It was set up in 1991 by the Spanish government to promote the teaching and study of the Spanish language and culture and it’s done so exceptionally well since then. As you can guess, it was named after Miguel de Cervantes, the author of what it is considered to be the first modern novel ever, Don Quixote.

Its Spanish headquarters are in Madrid and Alcalá de Henares but Instituto Cervantes is not limited to Spain. As a matter of fact, it’s established in 88 towns in 45 countries over 5 continents.

To name just some of the functions and features of the Instituto Cervantes:

  • offers Spanish language courses: general and specific (for medical, legal purposes, etc.)
  • develops Spanish learning methods
  • hosts Aula Virtual de Español (Spanish Virtual Classroom)
  • sponsors lectures, book presentations, concerts, art exhibitions, The Spain Film Festival and Festival of Flamenco
  • establishes libraries and other international language centers
  • publishes the Anuario del español to keep track of the development of the Spanish language
  • supports Centro Virtual Cervantes since 1997

With so many crucial roles, it’s no surprise that Instituto Cervantes also offers DELE preparatory courses, and more importantly, it organizes and hosts DELE exams as well. Therefore, the first step in taking the DELE exam is to get registered on the Instituto Cervantes website − in Spanish only.  

Is DELE the Spanish IELTS? Yes and No

DELE really does open many doors for you. Comparatively, DELE is for the Spanish speaking world what IELTS is for English. Nowadays, it’s almost unimaginable going to an English-speaking country for work or study without taking the IELTS exam. The same thing applies for DELE, only DELE doesn’t have an expiration date.

In that regard, DELE is more like Cambridge English Language Assessment − the structure and the principle of the test are more similar as well. Therefore, DELE is like IELTS in terms of practical importance, but more like Cambridge when it comes to the structure.

Additionally, bear in mind that you will probably wait longer for DELE results than you would for IELTS. It can take up to a couple of months for the tests to be evaluated and marked at the University of Salamanca. However, the time and the wait are worth it for the globally recognized and lifelong proof of your knowledge of Spanish!


How Do I Prepare to Triumph at DELE?

Know your level

As always, the first thing you need to do is determine the level you wish to take. Remember, DELE is an independent diploma so the levels aren’t consecutive. This means that you can apply for any level and your learning background doesn’t matter either. You can be self-taught and apply for C2 DELE.

However, it is advised to be sure of the level you are at before registering for the exam, as you need to pay for it. The higher the level, the bigger the cost.

Here is some general guidelines to bear in mind about DELE levels:

  • if you’re applying for the Spanish citizenship, you will need the A2 level.
  • if you need DELE for work and studies, level B2 will usually be the required level.
  • DELE C2 tends to be a lot more difficult than DELE C1.

As you can imagine, obtaining C1 and C2 levels is more challenging and not many people talk about the fact that DELE C2 tends to be a lot more difficult than DELE C1. They’ve reduced the gap between the two levels in the recent years, so take that into account when sampling the old tests that are still available online.  

Where Can I Prepare For DELE?

As you can imagine, there are many language centers out there offering DELE preparatory courses. In the same way you can either do the IELTS preparatory course at the British Council or in a language school, you have the option to do the same at the Instituto Cervantes. But what if you live in a town where there’s no Instituto Cervantes and no language center offers such specific courses?

One thing you can do is to take the online course through Instituto Cervantes. For more information on Instituto Cervantes preparatory courses, visit here.

However, another solution is to take private lessons with a qualified University lecturer. In retrospect, I believe that was the best thing I could have done and let me explain why.

Advantages of Taking Preparatory Courses:

That being said, there’s no doubt that it’s important to get familiar with the layout of the exam. Exams are stressful as it is, so knowing what everything will look like on the day and what to expect is essential.

Preparatory courses are also there so that you wouldn’t make a silly mistake, such as writing the answers where you’re not supposed to, or not writing them at all, etc. That could affect your score badly, and not due to your language skills!

If you are interested in individual DELE exam preparations, Romance Language Centre offers a 1-2-1 preparatory course led by a Spanish teacher, lecturer and DELE C2 Master. We tailor lessons to your needs and goal, with consistent and regular feedback aimed to prepare you for the exam in the optimal amount of time and to develop the 4 main skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking.

An Aspect of DELE No One Talks About

If you’re taking a language exam, it’s safe to assume that it’s your linguistic abilities that will be put to test. Or is it?

One thing about DELE, more so than with any other exam, is that it’s not always just about your knowledge of the language. At C2 level, at least, the answers in the reading part are often very ambiguous. However, this isn’t due to grammar, but to the context itself.

You need to know Spanish well to understand the nuances but, often times, you will have to deduce the correct answer by using logical intelligence, not your knowledge of Spanish. This is because sometimes more than one answer is correct, but one answer is more correct than the others, and that is the right answer.

Sounds like a nightmare? It is.

But don’t worry,, our pre-recorded DELE course is in the making and will be available soon. In it, we will tackle all the problematic and challenging aspects of DELE and everything else you need to know to not only pass the exam, but exceed your own expectations.

In the meantime, we’re bringing you some popular textbooks to help you triumph at DELE.


All things considered; DELE is an incredibly useful diploma in all of the Spanish speaking world. It doesn’t only look good on your CV; it also opens many doors for you. Another thing that every Spanish student should know, especially if you’re taking DELE, is what Instituto Cervantes is and what’s their goal. It’s not just a center where you take the exam, it’s an institution with broad specter of activities dedicated to the love of Spanish all things Spanish.

If you truly want to triumph at DELE, you will need to assess your level first. Also take into account your location and your options and then choose the best course/teacher/books to help you prepare.

Dec 4, 2022

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