Many people learn French for leisure. However, for professional purposes, an official certificate certifying your degree of achievement and providing documentation of your talents is frequently necessary. You may be studying French just because you want to, or you may need to learn the language in order to enroll in a school or find work. The DELF is frequently an excellent answer.

But what exactly do you get out of the DELF? What exactly does it entail, and what value does it provide for students? What are the benefits of studying for the DELF in France? What is the best strategy to prepare for the DELF exam in order to maximize your chances of success? All of these questions will be addressed below.

Which is the right option: the DELF or the DALF?

It’s worth noting, first of all, that the DELF, or Diplôme d'études en langue française (French Studies Diploma) covers four different levels (A1, A2, B1 and B2). More advanced students (at C1 and C2 level) can opt to take the DALF, or Diplôme approfondi de langue française (Advanced French Studies Diploma). This is a genuine qualification which is valid for life, not a test like the Test de Connaissance du Français (French Knowledge Test) or TCF.

Level A1 (“introductory” or “discovery”) covers introducing oneself and asking and answering basic questions, and also assumes an understanding of common expressions. Learners who have reached level A2 (“intermediate” or “routine”) should be capable of understanding and engaging in discussion on everyday topics (shopping, asking for information, etc.). Level B1, known as the “threshold level”, assesses candidates’ abilities to recount events in the past, express their opinion or handle an everyday problem (explaining a late arrival, persuading someone, etc.).

DALF C1 is aimed at advanced users who are capable of discussing “complex topics” and who can deal with “long and demanding texts”.

If you want to register for the DELF examinations, the first step is to contact your nearest center (there are more than 1,000 test centers around the world, so you’ll have plenty of choice!). You will then need to complete a registration form, supply various supporting documents (copy of your identification and so on) and pay. In France, the fees range from €100 to €150, depending on the level of the exam you want to take.


What is a good mark in the DELF?

You must obtain a mark of at least 50 out of 100 points to pass the DELF – this is known as the “pass mark” (“seuil de réussite”). Note, however, that if you score less than 5 out of 25 in any one of the four skill sections, you will not pass!

To give you an indication, it takes 60 hours to reach level A1. To progress from level A1 to level A2 will take around 120 hours of learning. The length of time it takes to reach the other levels varies: 150 hours to go from A2 to B1; 200 hours from B1 to B2 and 250 hours from B2 to C1. Obviously, these figures are only a guide, since it all depends on the type of course chosen, each student’s capacity to learn, the degree of linguistic immersion, and so on.

The DELF examination aims to assess four skills: oral comprehension (listening), written comprehension (reading), oral expression (speaking) and written expression (writing). Each skill is marked out of 25 points, giving a total of 100 points. How long do the exams last? That depends on the level, of course, but by way of example, at level B1 the written tests last for a total of 1 hour and 55 minutes, and there is an individual oral test lasting 15 minutes. In terms of marks, a total score of 75/100 is considered to be a good result.

Is it worth taking the DELF?

Why take the DELF when there are also other tests that assess what level you have reached? It’s certainly true that the DELF’s role is to give you a detailed understanding of your language skills. In other words, it is the ideal tool for conducting an objective self-assessment. First and foremost, however, it is a recognized, official qualification that will enable you to access many universities.

Once you realize that there is no time limit on the validity of this qualification, it’s very clear that the DELF is a real asset for student and professional mobility. It’s also worth remembering that if you want to apply for French nationality or a French residence permit, DELF is a valuable advantage. Finally, what better way to enhance your CV and snag the job of your dreams than being able to say that you have successfully passed the DELF examinations?


Dec 4, 2022

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