The DCL (Diplôme de Compétence en Langues), introduced in 2010, is a certificate that certifies a candidate's proficiency in 12 languages: German, English, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese, French, Portuguese, and French sign language. The diploma is issued by the French National Education System and is valid for life after passing an exam.


What is the exam's purpose?

Adults who want to demonstrate their language skills can take the DCL exam. This diploma is appropriate for employees, job seekers, trainees, students, and private individuals. It enables candidates to find work more quickly, advance their careers, seek for transfers overseas, or simply assess their language level.

What does the exam involve?

The aim of the DCL diploma is to assess candidates in professional situations. The exam content not only focuses on the quality of the language, but also on candidates’ technique and skills, and their speaking skills. Note: it is possible to take the exam in French sign language (LSF).

Candidates’ skills are assessed through:

  • listening or French sign language
  • reading
  • speaking
  • writing

Unlike other exams, candidates do not answer a questionnaire, but have to carry out a case study (as might be required in a business context). Candidates are expected to:

  • read and consult documents
  • listen to recordings or watch videos
  • assimilate and process the acquired information  
  • summarize the information and draw conclusions
  • provide a supporting argument for the conclusions reached by answering questions asked by the examiners
  • produce a written summary or create a video in sign language

How long does the exam take?

The DCL takes about two and half hours: 1.5 hours studying written documents, a 20-minute interview with an examiner, and 40 minutes of writing.

What levels does the DCL exam assess?

The DCL diploma offers candidates the possibility of certifying a language level ranging from level A2 to level C1 on the CEFR scale.

The DCL diploma is also intended for teachers in primary and secondary schools who need to certify their foreign language level. In their case, a B2 level is required.

What grading system does the DCL test use?

A jury establishes the candidate’s grade by evaluating them on two points:

  • the ability to communicate in a fluent and professional manner in order to carry out the professional tasks entrusted to them
  • the level of language and the correct formulation of sentences in languages

How much does the exam cost? Where can you take it?

The registration fee for the DCL is €100.  

You have to take this exam at an approved training center on French territory. The dates are determined in advance – upcoming exam dates are available on the government website.

Dec 4, 2022

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