What distinguishes BULTAS and TOEIC?

Exams for languages are split into two groups in general. Exams that measure your academic English proficiency and your language and comprehension skills in preparation for studying abroad. The "Business English" you need to work internationally or in an environment where English is spoken is tested in professional tests, on the other hand. What separates BULATS and TOEIC?  

Both the TOEIC and the BULATS are considered to be "professional" English tests. With this anticipation in mind, the BULATS or TOEIC preparation must be made.

These two language tests, although they evaluate the same “type of language”, are not identical. How to choose between the two exams?

What is the structure of the BULATS

The BULATS, now called Linguaskill, exists in different forms, called modules. There are 3 different modules, you do not have to pass them all.

  • Listening & Reading is the most used module for English-speaking universities and foreign companies. It tests all of your language skills, your written comprehension and your oral comprehension in English.
  • Writing is the BULATS module that tests your ability to write the language. You must answer two questions, which deals with the theme of the world of work. It’s not your ideas that are evaluated, but your ability to make yourself understood, convey a message and structure your opinion in writing.
  • Speaking tests your listening comprehension. You must answer several small questions. You have a few seconds to think and prepare your pitch. Then you have to answer the question in 1 minute.

Since the BULATS reform in 2017, the test is conducted a computer. You pass all the modules on one screen. In total, the test can last 2 hours if you decide to do the 3 modules.  

What is the structure of the TOEIC?

The TOEIC test exists only in two forms: TOEIC Listening & Reading and TOEIC Speaking & Writing. Again, you do not have to pass both modules, it depends on what you are asked.

  • Listening & Reading is the best known. This is often the one implied when talking about the TOEIC. It tests your oral comprehension in English, as well as your written comprehension.
  • Speaking & Writing, as you can imagine, test your written and oral expression. It is used less often but may be required. You must produce two essays, and you must answer several questions.

This test is conducted on paper. You must fill out multiple-choice questions, and you must write your answers directly for the written expression. For the oral, you pass your exam face to face with a real teacher.  

What are the major differences between the exams?

Although they test you both on your professional English, you may have noticed that the TOEIC and the BULATS have some differences.

– What is the duration of the tests?

On the form, the two exams have some differences. Already, the BULATS is much shorter. It lasts only 2 hours if you pass the three modules (you are thus tested in the entirety of your level). For the TOEIC, it will take you almost 4 hours to be tested on the 4 language skills in English.

– What is the price difference?

The price of the TOEIC is slightly higher than that of the BULATS. Passing both parts of the exam costs you about 175 €. For the BULATS, the price depends on the exam centers but passing the three modules costs on average 145 €.

– What is the difference in the rating?

The BULATS gives you a score of 0 to 100, which is directly related to a CEFR level, on the scale of the European framework. So you have a level A2, or B2 for example. The TOEIC gives you a score of 990 points, which must be as high as possible, to show that you have a good level of language. One can, of course, find equivalences between the scores of BULATS and TOEIC.  

An asset to every English exam

The BULATS is a new test of English (the last born) which especially has the particularity of adapting to your level. Indeed, the test is done on a computer, the difficulty of the questions increases as you answer the questions. For you, this means that your final score will be very representative. The test adapts to your level of English.

The TOEIC has the specificity of being still administered on paper. For the Speaking event, it’s a real added value. You do not speak alone but face a teacher. You answer him, and you must have a clear conversation with him. Your score in this section is therefore very valuable for companies as it shows that you can speak English with someone.  

Dec 1, 2022

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