Arabic Language Proficiency Test was developed in 2002. (ALPT). The test has been continuously refined since then, and it has become the global standard for measuring genuine skill levels in the language, as seen by the validations it has received.


Acceptance and Competence

A competency exam must be researched and accepted by relevant groups in order to achieve the approval needed to be useful in real-world contexts.

ALPT has the support of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI), which has 56 member countries (all 22 Arab countries along with 34 countries in Africa and Asia). This competence test has also been approved by Indonesia's Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA).  

It is also being adopted as the standard by which development in the language is measured by many schools, universities, and organizations around the world.

ALPT Structure and Format


There are five fundamental skills that are measured by this exam: listening comprehension, reading, structure/grammar, writing, and speaking.

The test is administered in a Computer-Adaptive Test (CAT) format, which means that it will allow participants of all proficiency levels to be accurately assessed. In fact, the actual length and content of the test may vary in order to accurately gauge the student’s true proficiency.

The first three parts of the test will be presented as multiple-choice questions. The fourth is open ended, and the final part will be conducted by an Arabic-speaking teacher.

The test is only allowed to start in the presence of an Arab Academy registered instructor. You can also register for some or all of the ALPT sections, depending on what you feel ready for.

  • Test 1 covers Listening, reading comprehension, and grammatical structure.
  • Test 1 and 2 will cover all the above plus the writing portion.
  • Test 1, 2, and 3 will cover all five elements of the test.


Advantages and Benefits of Taking the ALPT  

There are several reasons to prepare for and take the Arabic Language Proficiency Test. Some of the most common reasons are:


  1. It is possible to more accurately place students in the appropriate language course levels.
  1. We can see how effective an Arabic language course really is.
  1. Students can estimate their chances of success prior to getting involved in more advanced language classes.
  1. It is objective evidence that the student can put their Arabic language knowledge to use in the real world.
  1. Arabic programs can more effectively set their admission requirements.


What is the Purpose of Any Proficiency Test?

First, proficiency shows a person’s ability to put the language to use in real-world situations. It proves the student has more than just rote memorization of the Arabic alphabet, grammar rules and vocabulary. In other words, it is a more valuable metric to employers than, for example, one’s grades in a university setting.

This is a great way for a student to show potential employers that they have the ability to put the things that are in their heads to good use. It shows they can be creative and logical in a second language, and it gives employers an idea of what they can expect of anyone who reaches a certain level in these tests.

Second, it is a more effective method to show teachers how well they are imparting their knowledge. While anyone can drill vocabulary words into someone’s head, it takes a lot more to make sure they can put those words to good use.

It may be a little harder to teach this way, but the results for the student will be far more valuable.

Along those lines, a proficiency test gives students a real and tangible goal and they can study with an eye towards passing these tests.

In the end, the ALPT is proof of competence in the Arabic language, and that can take you a long way in your future.

Dec 5, 2022

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