Criminal justice is a broad career field that involves upholding the law and punishing those who break it.  If you're interested in pursuing a career in criminal justice, you can choose from one of many certificate options in law enforcement, corrections or the judicial system. Learning about the types of criminal justice certifications can help you choose one that fits your interests and allows you to reach your professional goals. In this article, we explain what criminal justice certifications are, their importance, the types of certifications and tips for choosing one.

What is a criminal justice certification?

A criminal justice certification is a professional credential that shows you completed an educational or training program in a specific area within the field. Certification programs usually take less time to complete than a college degree. Many candidates can complete them in a few months, although some certifications take longer, particularly if you attend a part-time program. Colleges, universities and government agencies may offer criminal justice certification programs.

Why are criminal justice certifications important?

Criminal justice certifications are important because they help people who are interested in pursuing a career in the field learn more about their chosen role and potentially improve their chances of finding a job. Certification programs give students knowledge and skills specific to their area of study, which can make them more qualified for a job and help them distinguish themselves from competing candidates. Certification programs can also introduce students to important career resources and networking opportunities, such as professional organizations.

7 types of criminal justice certifications

There are several categories of criminal justice certifications, and each provides the option for many job roles. Some certifications require only a high school diploma or GED, while others require the candidate to earn a college degree before applying to the program. Here are seven types of criminal justice certifications:

1. General criminal justice certifications

General criminal justice certifications include a broad range of skills that allow recipients to find jobs in many areas of the field. Many people who pursue these certifications use them to move up in their existing criminal justice careers. Basic and graduate certifications can qualify professionals to perform more advanced duties. Here are common examples of general criminal justice certifications:

•Certified Criminal Justice Professional

•Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice

•Graduate Certificate in Strategic Management

2. Forensic science certifications

Forensic science certifications help entry-level and advanced professionals pursue positions in forensic departments at law enforcement facilities. Graduate certificates typically focus on specializations in forensics, while professional certificates give candidates the knowledge and skills to work on crime scenes and in laboratories. Here are some examples of forensic science certifications:

•Graduate Certificate in Crime Analysis

•Crime Scene Technician Certification

•Forensic Science Technician Certificate

3. Legal certifications

Many criminal justice professionals work within the legal area of the field. Lawyers, paralegals, legal assistants and other law office employees assist their clients with their court cases in different ways, depending on the employee's role. Having specialized certifications can help people who work in the legal field succeed as administrative professionals, legal support specialists and attorneys. Here are some common legal certifications:

•Certified Paralegal

•Certified Business Office Manager

•Microsoft Office Specialist Master Certification

•Criminal Law Certificate

4. Security certifications

Criminal justice professionals may earn one of two types of security certifications. Some security professionals work with courts and forensic teams to protect internal systems from hackers and help law enforcement uncover digital data that may help solve cases. Others, such as bailiffs, provide physical security services to keep people in jails and courtrooms safe. Here are some security certifications:

•Cybersecurity Graduate Certificate

•Unarmed Security Officer Certificate

•Physical Security Certification

•Certified Security Supervision and Management

5. Law enforcement certifications

Law enforcement certifications allow those who work in police departments to develop important skills and advance their careers. Some certifications focus on administrative roles, such as training and record-keeping, while others help law enforcement officers pursue specific roles. Examples of law enforcement certifications include:

•Certified Law Enforcement Analyst

•Communications Training Officer Certificate

•Certified Professional Criminal Investigator

•Peace Officer Skills Training

6. Corrections certifications

Corrections certifications enable people to work in jails, prisons and other correctional institutions. Facilities may require certain certifications before a newly hired employee can work, while corrections professionals pursue other types of certifications to advance in their careers. Here are some examples of corrections certifications:

•Certified Jail Supervisor

•Certified Jail Executive

•Certified Jail Officer

•Certified Corrections Manager

•Certified Corrections Officer

7. Court certifications

Court certifications allow professionals to assist judges in the courtroom. Administrative and clerical employees take part in court proceedings by arranging legal documentation, managing court schedules and recording conversations that occur in court. Certifications may be required or voluntary, but each provides criminal justice professionals in the judicial field with the knowledge and skills to help them succeed.

•Certified Court Manager

•Certified Court Executive

•Registered Professional Reporter

•Certified Real time Reporter

•Certified Municipal Clerk

Tips for choosing the right criminal justice certification

Here are some tips to help you choose a criminal justice certification that suits your career goals:

Consider your ideal work environment

Because there are so many types of criminal justice careers, professionals work in different environments. You may want to pursue a career in a courtroom, at a jail or sheriff's office, in a law office or in the community. Choosing a work environment you would enjoy can help you eliminate certain jobs and consider others.

Talk to professionals in criminal justice

If you already work in criminal justice and you're considering moving to a different position, speak with your colleagues about what they like about their roles. Otherwise, you may know someone in the field who can answer your questions about their career. You might also have the opportunity to take part in a job shadowing experience, which allows you to follow and observe a professional for the day. For example, police departments often allow citizens to accompany a police officer on their shift.

Choose which aspect of criminal justice appeals to you

After you've determined the type of environment you'd like to work in and researched the career fields within criminal justice, you can decide which areas appeal to you. If you have a specific role you want to pursue, you can look for certification programs for that job. If you have a basic idea of what you'd like to do within the field or want to try more than one job before specializing, a general program may help you gain certification that qualifies you for many jobs in criminal justice.


Jan 4, 2023

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