More than 14,000 businesses, governmental organizations, and educational institutions in 160 nations across the world utilize the TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) as an English language assessment tool.  

The Educational Testing Service developed the exam in the United States more than 40 years ago (ETS). Around seven million people worldwide take the TOEIC every year.

Why take the test?

The TOEIC test measures how easily a non-native speaker masters the English language. The test enables candidates to certify their level of English and gives companies a tool to assess the English language level of job candidates and employees (for example, as in the context of providing English training within companies).

The test is aligned with the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), recognized by the France Compétences professional training body, and assesses a candidate’s level of English on a scale ranging from A1 (Beginner) to C2 (proficiency).

What does the test involve?

TOEIC tests evaluate four major language skills: reading and oral comprehension, as well as written and oral expression. However, it is important to note that there are several TOEIC tests:

– The TOEIC Listening and Reading test is intended for intermediate to advanced levels, and assesses English reading and oral comprehension skills. This is a multiple-choice test taken on paper.

– The TOEIC Speaking and Writing test is intended for intermediate to advanced levels, and assesses English oral and written expression. This test is taken exclusively online.

– The TOEIC Bridge test is intended for beginner to intermediate levels, and assesses English reading and oral comprehension skills; it is a multiple-choice test taken on paper.

Candidates are free to take one or more tests, depending on their level and the skills needed in their professional environment.

Did you know? You can take the TOEIC test an unlimited number of times in the same year. However, you have to pay a registration fee for each attempt. The ETS considers that after two years, an individual’s language level can change significantly and should be reassessed.

How long does the test take?

In total, the test takes two hours (with an additional 30 minutes suggested for filling in your personal details) and consists of 200 multiple choice questions (100 listening comprehension questions and 100 reading comprehension questions).

What levels does the TOEIC assess?

The TOEIC is suitable for all levels, from beginners to advanced speakers. The TOEIC is the benchmark test for companies seeking to determine the level of English of a candidate or employee.

Note: the TOEIC is not a diploma, it is a test that measures your level at a given time, and is considered valid for two years.

What grading system does the TOEIC test use?

TOEIC tests are not ”pass” or “fail”: each test has a minimum and maximum score. TOEIC results are based on a scale of 10 to 990 points.

Here is an unofficial equivalence according to the score obtained:

10 – 250 False beginner

255 – 400 Basic English

405 – 600 Intermediate English

605 – 780 Basic Operational English

785 – 900 Advanced Operational English

905 – 955 International English proficiency

960 – 990 Advanced International English proficiency

How much does the test cost?

– TOEIC Listening & Reading: € 126

– TOEIC Speaking & Writing: € 126

– TOEIC Bridge: € 80


Dec 1, 2022

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