After deciding to enroll in an English-intensive university abroad, you must make another crucial choice: which English-language exam would best prepare you for admission?  

The only English language test that is widely regarded and approved is one. And the exam is the TOEFL one.  

These are the top 6 reasons why this is significant to you:

  1. Four out of every five admissions officers choose it over other English language competency tests. This is why:
  • The finest test for evaluating your English-language proficiency is the TOEFL.
  • It offers more accurate results than other English-language examinations, making it more helpful in selecting applicants.
  • Test takers from all over the world now have easier access to the TOEFL exam.

What this means to you: You can feel confident that the admissions officers seeing TOEFL scores as part of your application are satisfied that you have the English-language skills you need to succeed at their institution.  

  1. The TOEFL test is accepted at more institutions than any other English-language test in the world — at over 8,500 universities, agencies and other institutions in more than 130 countries, including nearly every top university in the U.S., UK, and Australia.

What this means to you: Your TOEFL scores can help you go anywhere you want because they’re accepted at nearly every university or institution where strong English skills are required.

  1. We make it easier for you to take the TOEFL test than other English-language tests. We have the most test sites — over 4,500 locations in over 165 countries around the world — in easy-to-get-to locations to help reduce the travel time and cost of travel for our test takers.

The entire test is given in just half a day — unlike other tests that make you come back for a second day of testing — saving you time and money.

What this means to you: Taking the TOEFL test is easier because you can choose from thousands of test site locations and test-taking opportunities, and have access to official practice tools and resources to help you prepare for test day.

  1. TOEFL test scores will help you stand out and get noticed. Universities have long considered TOEFL test scores to be more accurate, which means they’re more useful for making admissions decisions. Why? Because the TOEFL test truly measures how well you can integrate the four English skills you need to succeed in a classroom environment. In fact, 90% of TOEFL test takers are accepted into their first- or second-choice university.

What this means to you: Your scores will prove to you and to admissions officers that you’ve mastered the English skills used in the classroom — from listening to lectures and reading textbooks to writing papers and speaking in class.

  1. The content on the TOEFL test is 100% academic, with tasks that actually reflect what you’ll experience in a classroom — making it the most comprehensive academic English-language test available. Some English-language tests don’t have tasks that demonstrate you have the English skills you need to perform at school. And that could put you at a disadvantage when those scores are considered as part of your academic university application.

What this means to you: You can feel confident knowing that universities think the TOEFL test is the most appropriate test to use when making admissions decisions.

  1. The TOEFL test measures speaking more fairly than any other English-language test. Unlike other tests, the TOEFL test uses multiple raters to score you instead of just one rater.

    Here’s why: Many test takers consider the speaking section of all English-language tests to be challenging. Sitting one-on-one in front of a human rater in a formal speaking interview can be intimidating. And what if the rater is having a bad day and rates you lower than you deserve?

    The TOEFL test Speaking section is less intimidating and more reliable for two reasons. First, you speak your responses directly into a microphone — without a rater sitting in front of you. Then, your recorded responses are later rated by three to six ETS raters, instead of just one, to give you the most fair and objective score possible.

What this means to you: The TOEFL test makes taking the Speaking section easier for you because it is less intimidating — and is more objective in its scoring — than any other English-language test available.

No other English-language test can offer you the accuracy, convenience, respect and entrance into universities around the world that the TOEFL test can. That’s why nearly 27 million students have used and trusted the TOEFL test to get into the universities of their choice. And it’s why the TOEFL test can make all the difference for you.

Nov 30, 2022

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