Over 437 million people are native Spanish speakers, with a total of 572 million speaking it as a first or second language. It is estimated that over 21 million individuals worldwide are studying Spanish. “If you speak Spanish, you will have many more opportunities, both professionally and personally”. The DELE certificate is one of the greatest ways for persons learning Spanish to have their ability to speak Spanish fluently formally recognized internationally.  

Let's have a look at what the DELE diploma entails and the benefits it provides:

What is the DELE certificate?

DELE stands for “Diploma Español como Lengua Extranjera”. It is a certificate that is an official qualification for proficiency and fluency in Spanish. It is issued and recognized by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Spain. The aim of the diploma is to formally demonstrate your ability to communicate in Spanish. The DELE is recognized internationally as evidence of fluency and command of the Spanish language.

Who can take the DELE?

Any citizen of a country where Spanish is not the official language can take the DELE exams. In addition, citizens of countries where Spanish is the official language may also be eligible to take the diploma, so long as they meet two of the following criteria:

• Spanish is not the mother tongue of either his/her parents
• Spanish is not the first language that he/she learned
• Spanish is not the language used for communicating
• He/she has not studied Spanish in the total or part of his/her primary or secondary education

What does the DELE involve?

The diplomas are divided into six levels to suit different levels of Spanish attainment. You can take any level you wish, and there are no requirements to hold a lower level before taking a higher one. The levels correspond to those of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:

– Level A1 (Breakthrough)
– Level A2 (Waystage)
– Level B1 (Threshold)
– Level B2 (Vantage)
– Level C1 (Effective Operational Proficiency)
– Level C2 (Mastery)

Diplomas are divided into two groups:

Group 1: reading comprehension and writing skills

Group 2: listening comprehension and oral skills

Candidates need to pass all four parts: reading comprehension; written paper; listening comprehension; and an oral exam.

The benefits of obtaining the DELE

A great addiction to your CV

The DELE is a useful qualification to have. It proves that you can communicate well in Spanish. It is recognized internationally so if you want to work abroad it is very important when trying to obtain professional documentation within the Spanish speaking world. to show potential employers.

Attractive to employers

Language skills are highly sought after by employers therefore by attaining the DELE diploma, your CV you will be much more appealing to potential employers both within your own country as well as abroad. This will no doubt improve your employability and career prospects. It is a good way to create a better chance of obtaining a wider variety of jobs and experiences that would otherwise be missed out on.

Attractive to educational institutions

If you are looking to study abroad, if you have obtained the DELE certificate this is evidence of your Spanish skills which will help you secure a place at the school or university of your choice.

Ideal for working or living abroad

Having the DELE exam under your belt is extremely useful if you plan to work in a Spanish speaking country as potential employers will immediately know that you can communicate effectively in Spanish. Similarly, if you already live in a Spanish-speaking country and would like to improve your career prospects or look for a better job it shows people obtaining the DELE is a great way to show that you have a good command of the Spanish language which will help you advance professionally or personally.

Valid forever

Once you obtain the DELE diploma you have it forever. It never expires so you won’t have to re-sit the exams in 5 or 10 years like with other exams. If you move from one Spanish-speaking country to work in another, you won’t have to sit the exams again.


Dec 4, 2022

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