The significance of learning English cannot be emphasized in a society that is becoming more globalized and linked. English has established itself as a standard in practically every industry in this increasingly digital era. It is getting harder and harder to travel and operate without using English as a common language. Because of this, there are an increasing number of English certificates accessible when you wish to demonstrate your language skills. Here are a few justifications for selecting a TOEIC test over the rest of the available choices.

1. To use a widely recognized certification

Trusted worldwide by over 14 000 organizations in 160 countries, the TOEIC programme provides the reliable credential you need to demonstrate your English skills to potential employers all over the world. By assessing the four key English language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing for the workplace, the TOEIC tests assess the full range of your communication skills.

2. To have the choice between different types of tests

The TOEIC portfolio offers different types of tests and ways of administering them. Therefore, you have the choice depending on your preferences of testing (digitally delivered or paper-based testing), skills you want to assess (listening, reading, speaking and writing) and the English level you want to assess (from A1 to C1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Language). Many ETS computer-based tests are administered at ETS Global-authorized, technologically equipped test centers; many paper-based tests are administered under standardized conditions. Moreover, ETS is committed to making sure that all students have a fair opportunity to demonstrate what they know and have learned, including test takers with documented disabilities or special needs. That is why, for both computer-based and paper-based testing situation, ETS Global can arrange special accommodations.

3. To benefit from a wide range of official preparation tools

Preparing for an English certification to get to know the test and to feel more confident during the test session is essential, even if each TOEIC test itself doesn’t have a passing or failing score. To do so, the best way is to use official preparation material. For the TOEIC portfolio, many different types of materials are available. Whatever support you like the most, you can find an official preparation tool to help you in your studies: books, online tools or apps are available for you to use.

4. To increase your motivation levels

Motivation plays a significant role in the process of learning a new language. Researches conducted by Mantasiah R. and Yusri show that there is a direct relationship between language learning and motivation. Indeed, language learning can increase academic motivation and student’s self-efficacy. Taking a test and making improvement in your English proficiency visible, will boost your motivation to do better and to keep on learning and using the language.

5. To stand out against the competition

Today’s job market is very international and almost as competitive. With an increasingly globalized economy and work culture, your knowledge of a foreign language can be as important as your diplomas and past professional experiences. Thus, the TOEIC tests are precisely what recruiters are looking for, especially since many institutions and companies are well-acquainted with these tests; some make it an upfront criterion for selection. Having an English certification on your resume doesn’t only prove your English proficiency, but also shows employers that you are willing to dedicate time to improving your English and your professional skills. Despite clear evidence that an English certification will benefit you, most students try to avoid doing tests as much as possible. Spending time preparing for and taking the TOEIC tests is clear evidence that you are determined to stand out from the crowd.

Dec 1, 2022

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